Ways to Give
Gift to the Annual Fund
Please consider making a gift today to the Annual Fund so that beautiful music can continue to be accessible to all and resonate throughout our community.
Education Programs
Sarasota Youth Orchestras provide young musicians of Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties with musical instruction, unique performing opportunities, and the chance to study and perform classical music with their peers.
Sarasota Music Festival
Sarasota Music Festival brings together 60 exceptional fellows and 40 renowned faculty artists from around the world to educate and mentor the next generation of professional musicians.
More Ways to Give
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts can mark an important occasion, celebrate someone special or honor the legacy of someone who passed away. They are a beautiful way to honor the people who are important to you while providing vital support to Sarasota Orchestra’s mission.
Gifts of Stock
Make a gift of appreciated stock or other assets, which can minimize capital gains and/or income taxes for you.
Donating your gift of publicly traded stock to Sarasota Orchestra is easy. Simply provide the following information to your investment company and they will transfer your gift of stock to Sarasota Orchestra's account.
Brokerage Name: Merrill Lynch Clearing Account
Financial Advisor: Campbell/McNamara/Minor Team (941-741-2409)
Organization Name: Florida West Coast Symphony
DTC#: 8862
Account #: 776-07012
Note: When you make a gift of stock to Sarasota Orchestra, your name is not included with the transfer information. Please notify a member of the Donor Engagement Team at 941-487-2744 or donate@sarasotaorchestra.org in advance of your stock transfer so we can recognize you and thank you for your gift.
Sarasota Orchestra credits a donor for a stock gift on the date of transfer. The gift is valued according to the median price of the stock on the transfer date and the number of shares gifted. Sarasota Orchestra's policy is to sell stock shares as soon as they are donated.
Questions? Please contact the Donor Engagement Team at 941-487-2744 or donate@sarasotaorchestra.org.
Thank you for your support of Sarasota Orchestra! Sarasota Orchestra is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID# 59-2603081
Matching Gift Programs
Many employers supplement employee philanthropy with matching gifts, amplifying your positive impact on the arts and the community.
You can have a greater impact on Sarasota Orchestra when you take advantage of your company's matching gift program!
Many corporations will supplement employee philanthropy with a matching gift, amplifying your impact on the vitality of Sarasota Orchestra and the community. Some companies not only match employee gifts, but will match gifts from retirees' and spouses' donations as well.
The impact of a matching gift is not just felt by Sarasota Orchestra. A matched gift counts toward your Annual Fund gift, which can elevate your giving tier and reward you with the recognition and benefits of the new level.
Check with your HR department to see if your contribution to Sarasota Orchestra can go even further with a matching gift.
Below are a few examples of companies that generously offer matching gifts:
- ExxonMobil Foundation
- Johnson and Johnson
- PNC Bank
Questions? Please contact the Donor Engagement Team at 941-487-2744 or donate@sarasotaorchestra.org.
Thank you for your support of Sarasota Orchestra! Sarasota Orchestra is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID# 59-2603081
IRA Charitable Rollover
Making a difference today and saving on taxes are both possible when you support Sarasota Orchestra through your IRA.
A Tax-Saving Way to Support Sarasota Orchestra
Making a difference today and saving on taxes are both possible when you support Sarasota Orchestra through your IRA.
Benefits of donating through your IRA
If you are 70½ years of age or older, you can transfer directly from your IRA to Sarasota Orchestra without realizing any taxable income. For those aged 72 and older, this charitable transfer can also satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
One of the best aspects of making a donation using your IRA is that you can immediately see your impact. With your gift, Sarasota Orchestra remains strong and able to provide comfort and joy to everyone in our community.
IRA Gift Rules and Requirements
- The SECURE Act of 2019 increased the age individuals who must begin taking RMDs from their retirement savings from 70½ to 72.
- You may still make a gift from your IRA if you are 70½ years of age on the date of the gift. If you are 70½ years of age or older (but under 72), any Qualified Charitable Distributions, though excluded from taxable income, may be included in calculating your future RMDs.
- Funds must be transferred directly to Sarasota Orchestra from your IRA.
- Up to $100,000 per individual may be contributed per year.
- You do not realize any taxable income on the transfer and cannot claim an income tax deduction for the gift.
- No goods or services may be received for your IRA donation.
Please always consult your financial advisor to determine how donating through your retirement fund applies to your unique situation.
Questions? Please contact Senior Director of Donor Engagement for Leadership Giving Jocelyn Udell at 941-487-2716 or judell@sarasotaorchestra.org.
Thank you for your support of Sarasota Orchestra! Sarasota Orchestra is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID# 59-2603081
Donor Advised Funds
This giving program allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite charities easily.
Donor advised funds (DAFs) are a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite charities easily. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.
A DAF is a named charitable giving account you can set up under a public charity, most often at a community foundation or financial institution. Examples include the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Manatee Community Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, or Schwab Charitable, among others.
To set up a DAF, you make an irrevocable gift of cash, securities, or other assets to a community foundation or financial institution. Generally, you are eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Funds can then be invested for tax-free growth, while you can recommend grants to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity you care about.
Benefits of a donor advised fund (DAF)
- Combines the most favorable tax benefits with flexibility to support Sarasota Orchestra
- Easy to donate long term appreciated securities, eliminating capital gains taxes and allowing you to support multiple charities from one block of stock
- Allows you to support multiple charities from one charitable vehicle
- Powerful way to build or continue a tradition of family philanthropy
- Simplifies your charitable giving and facilitates your strategic philanthropic goals
- Donors may choose to be acknowledged or remain anonymous.
Questions? Please contact the Donor Engagement Team at 941-487-2744 or donate@sarasotaorchestra.org.
Thank you for your support of Sarasota Orchestra! Sarasota Orchestra is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID# 59-2603081
Gifts In-Kind
Sarasota Orchestra gratefully accepts in-kind gifts of various types: professional and business services, musical instruments, and other items are appreciated by the orchestra. All such gifts are fully acknowledged following IRS regulations.
For more information on in-kind gifts, please contact the Donor Engagement Team at 941-487-2710 or email us.